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Homemade vs. commercial: Is homemade dog food cheaper?

Food is one of the most important factors in a dog's life, but it is also the most expensive. The best thing you can do for your dog is to give them the best dog food available, whether it's store-bought or homemade. Unfortunately, quality dog food comes at a price. Is it cheaper to make your own dog food than to buy commercial dog food?

If you want to save money on dog food but don't want to skimp on quality for your health, then check out this guide to homemade vs. commercial dog food.

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What better way to make sure your dog stays healthy than to give them the best dog food you can find or make? Here are the pros and cons of homemade versus store-bought dog food to help you make your choice.


Advantages of making your own dog food

One of the benefits of making your own dog food is knowing exactly what your dog is eating. You can provide them with as much healthy food as possible, plus you can personalize the settings so they get the nutrition they need, especially if they have allergies to certain foods.


In homemade dog food, there are also no filler ingredients, no preservatives, it will always be fresh and there will be less waste.


Disadvantages of homemade dog food

While homemade dog food means no guesswork about what's in your dog's stomach, making your own dog food at home takes some effort and time to plan and prepare. You must have all the ingredients for the dog food ready.


Advantages of store-bought dog food

Store-bought or commercial dog food would be ideal if it is convenient for you to find what you must buy while grocery shopping and to provide it when your dog needs to eat.

It is an easy way to ensure that your dog gets the nutrition he needs to be healthy.

In addition, commercial dog food is made specifically for your pet, which means it is safe for them and does not contain any toxic ingredients that could cause harm to your pet. It also produces commercial dog food to provide the right nutrition to ensure that your dog gets the best health possible.


Commercial dog food is easier to prepare and it also cuts down on the guessing game if your dog is getting the nutrients it needs from the food you provide.


Disadvantages of store-bought dog food

While commercial dog food is convenient and mostly contains the nutrition your dog needs, the nutritional value it contains tends to be a blanket statement. This means that most dog foods you can buy commercially don't always meet your dog's unique health needs. In addition, most of them contain filler ingredients, as well as some dogs may be sensitive to allergens.

In short, we can make homemade dog food to meet your dog's unique nutritional needs, while commercial dog food is convenient.


Cost Analysis: Homemade vs. Store-Bought Dog Food

When it comes to dog food, one factor to consider besides nutritional value is cost. While you may think it's impossible to provide your dog with a high-quality treat every day, there are ways to save money on dog food without having to compromise its quality. Check out your dog food options and find one that is affordable.


Dry store-bought dog food

Dry commercial dog food depends heavily on the grade and brand. A 30-pound bag of mid-grade dry dog food usually costs about $35. The same amount of premium or brand name dog food costs about $65.

Canned store-bought dog food

The price of commercial canned dog food also varies by brand name. However, mid-range brands of dog food typically cost about $1.25 per 12-ounce can, with the same amount of premium brands costing up to $2.25.

However, it is also worth noting that a small percentage of premium dog foods usually have the same nutritional content as the average portion of non-premium dog foods.


Standard Homemade Dog Food

When you make your own dog food at home, the possibilities are endless. The price of a home-cooked meal for your dog depends a lot on the ingredients you choose, so you can make it as expensive or as inexpensive as you need.

Fresh meats like chicken cost $2 per pound, while fresh vegetables like carrots or broccoli cost less than $1 per pound. You can also combine fresh meats and vegetables to save some money, but make sure your dog is getting enough nutrition.

For example, a recipe for chicken thighs, carrots and rice ($1.50 per pound for chicken, $0.70 for rice and $0.750 for carrots) is usually about $1.20 per pound.


Organic Homemade Dog Treats

If you choose all organic for your homemade dog food, it is usually higher than standard homemade dog food. Using organic ingredients to make the same homemade dog food recipe will usually add two dollars to your budget.

For example, for the same chicken thighs, carrots and rice recipe, the cost per pound could be over $2.85.



In summary, dry dog food costs about $1.17 per pound for mid-range brands and $2.17 per pound for premium dog food, while canned dog food costs about $1.67 per pound for mid-range brands and about $3.33 per pound for premium brands. Standard homemade chicken drumstick dog food costs about $1.20, while the same recipe made with organic ingredients costs about $2.85.

So, is making your own dog food cheaper than buying commercial dog food? The best answer is that it can be, depending on the ingredients you choose.

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