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Healthy Snacks to Share with your Dog

It's tempting to sneak your pup some table scraps from time to time, but knowing which human foods are safe for your pet is essential to keeping them healthy. Do you know which human foods are also safe for your pet to enjoy? Let's take a look at.


Healthy Snacks to Share with your Dog

Healthy snacks for dogs

1. eggs - scrambled eggs, not butter, no salt or pepper. Rumor has it that this will give your dog's coat a shine.

2. sweet potatoes - this is an ingredient in many dog foods. Many people dehydrate them and use them in place of store-bought dog food.

3. lean meats - chicken, pork, fish, turkey. Avoid bones and fat.

4. green beans - raw, straight from the fridge is a great snack.

5. Popcorn - no salt or butter here. A great way to share movie night with your dog.

6. rice - When my dog is feeling a little sick, I give him white rice to settle his stomach. Oats are also good here.

7. apples - cut off a wedge, your dog will love you.

8. blueberries - raspberries and blackberries will work too. When I snack on berries, I occasionally throw a few pups in the air - fun!

9. carrots - I give my dog whole raw carrots. It takes him a while to eat them all and I know they are healthy.

10. peanut butter - I'll spread some on a milk bone or let him lick a spoon or spreader after making PB & J.


Human food that dogs can't eat

Some human foods can be harmful, or even deadly, to your dog or cat. These include

1. Grapes and raisins

Both can cause vomiting, loss of appetite, kidney failure and even death.

2. Chocolate

The bottom line: chocolate is toxic. The darker the chocolate, the more harmful it is to your pet due to high levels of a substance called methylxanthine. Anything with caffeine, including coffee and tea, may also be harmful to your pet.

3. Xylitol

Many sugar-free products, such as candy, gum, diet foods and baked goods (as well as toothpaste) contain this sweetener. It is toxic to pets and can negatively affect blood sugar levels or may lead to liver failure.

4. Onions and garlic

Don't overlook onion powder (found in some baby foods) and garlic powder, which are common ingredients in many foods. the ASPCA warns that onions and garlic can cause damage to your pet's red blood cells.

5. Certain Nuts

Macadamia nuts can be deadly for your pet, while others can cause choking.

6. Alcohol and yeast dough

Both contain an ingredient called ethanol that can make your pet very sick.

7. Spicy, fried or greasy foods

These can cause digestive problems in pets.

8. Candy and desserts

Desserts often contain not only chocolate, but often nuts or xylitol. Desserts are also high in calories (not a good choice for an overweight pet) and have no health benefits for your pet.


It is best to allow your pet to eat foods and snacks that are formulated specifically to meet his or her nutritional needs. However, if you allow your dog or cat to indulge in human food, remember the rule that table scraps and healthy foods should make up less than 10% of his or her total diet.


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